Breast Implants ~ Dealing with friends and “boob envy”
A patient recently shared her story with me about her recovery as well as her friends reactions. I don’t think it is uncommon for friends to either position you as the guinea pig and make you go first, or to watch you go through your surgery and then distance themselves because the “new you” makes them a little uncomfortable….interesting though how others, often those we are closest to, interpret the choices we make for ourselves.
Hi Terrye!
I hope you and your lovely family are having a wonderful summer!
I can’t believe that one week ago, I was walking into your surgery center and into a new stage of my life! Each morning I wake up wondering if my “boobs” will still be there! LOL –So far so good . . . =)
Overall, I’m feeling great! That seems to be, in a way, the only down side to this whole 24hr recovery. Since I feel almost as good as ever, it’s hard to remind myself that I just had surgery a week ago! I’m not complaining however; this is the ONLY way a BA should be done!
My boobs have softened a little and are now not as “torpedo” looking as they first were (so glad they don’t stay looking like that!). Actually I think they’ve become a little smaller—but I think I was seeing the swelling originally and water weight, so it’s a welcome sight.
I even wore a strapless top yesterday and it didn’t fall off! =) lol
Funny side note: NONE of my friends who have had a breast augmentation or have been around others who have had BA’s believed how great I was doing when I talked to them, so each one has come over on a “surprise visit” to see “how I’m really doing.” It’s SO fun to see how big their eyes get and how much disbelief they’re in! Sadly, I think a few of them were a little jealous and have become a little distant. One of my friends even said the pain of a BA is like a rite of passage—you have to go through it to really “love your boobs.” And when I told her, that I 100% disagreed—well, I don’t think I’ll be hearing from her again soon. . .=(
Thank you again for all that you’ve done and continue to do!
Please give Dr. Tebbetts a hug from me!
Talk to you soon.
About the Author: Terrye Tebbetts is one of the most knowledgeable women in the world about breast implants, with 27 years of experience educating patients and 11 years as a patient herself. For more information about breast implants or breast augmentation Dallas surgeons, please visit
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